Harry Hayman Philadelphia

Harry Hayman Philadelphia

About Harry Hayman

Renowned for his numerous business ventures and charitable causes, Harry Hayman is a prominent figure in Philadelphia. He initially gained recognition in the restaurant and hospitality sectors with a remarkable resume of successful ventures that encompass the Bynum HOSPITALITY Group, Gemini Hospitality Consultants, EAST COAST SALOONS, and RENEGADE TACOS.

Aside from his entrepreneurial endeavors, Harry Hayman is actively involved in several community engagements, including public speaking events, the Feed Philly Coalition, and The Philadelphia Jazz Experience, an organization he established and developed.


In case you're not acquainted with the name Harry Hayman, you might recognize some of his ventures, such as the Bynum Group, Gemini Hospitality Consultants, McFadden’s, and Philly's SOUTH Jazz Kitchen. These are only a fraction of Harry's various undertakings, as the hospitality and management expert has contributed to multiple Philadelphia startups throughout the years. When he is not occupied with his professional obligations, Harry devotes his time to his loved ones and extends his support to his non-profit organizations by volunteering and providing charitable contributions.


You may not be familiar with Harry Hayman's name, but you might recognize some of the ventures he's been involved in, such as the Bynum Group, Gemini Hospitality Consultants, McFadden's, and Philly's SOUTH Jazz Kitchen. These are just a few examples of Harry's numerous entrepreneurial pursuits, as the hospitality and management expert has been engaged with a diverse range of Philadelphia startups over the years. Harry's priorities extend beyond his professional life, as he prioritizes spending quality time with his family and contributing to his non-profit foundations by means of volunteering and philanthropic donations.


Gemini Hospitality Consultants is Harry Hayman's most recent enterprise, which he established and presently heads as the CEO. The company offers assistance to Philadelphia startups, investors, and operators in the restaurant and foodservice sectors to launch and advance their operations. Harry's team of hospitality management experts conduct financial analyses, website design, and other necessary evaluations to ensure that these companies are on a path to success. Based on Harry's extensive experience in the restaurant industry, his valuable insights are implemented with every client who relies on Gemini Consulting.



Born to Robin and Harry III in Washington DC, Harry Hayman IV’s early life was marked by frequent travels across the world due to his father’s career as an international banker. Harry resided in various places, including Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, Venezuela, Mexico, London, Germany, and New York City.

Growing up, Harry had two younger siblings: his sister Kimberly, with whom he remains close to this day, and his brother Brad. Kimberly married in 1997 and eventually gave birth to Harry’s three nephews and nieces, Jackson, Ella, and Reed. Despite the age gap, Harry and Brad were also close, but Brad sadly passed away due to heart complications when Harry was in his mid-twenties. Following his brother’s passing, the Hayman Family Fund was established in Brad’s honor and memory.

Currently unmarried, Harry is in a serious relationship with his girlfriend, who accompanies him to various events in support of the arts and his numerous speaking engagements and professional appearances. She is also actively involved in many of his charitable contributions.

Harry Hayman cherishes his family and remains close with them to this day, regularly visiting his mother, uncles John and Jim, and other relatives. He especially enjoys cooking for them during these visits. Harry’s family values are essential to him and have been a driving force behind his past, present, and future endeavors. His upbringing and experiences have played a significant role in shaping him into the person he is today.


Harry Hayman’s passion for entrepreneurship was evident from a young age. At just 17 years old, he entered the bar business as a dish-washer in Washington, DC, and quickly progressed through the ranks, taking on every role imaginable in a bar. By the time he turned 19, he was expediting. That same year, he established Presto! Design, promoting special events at local bars and restaurants.

While pursuing his entrepreneurial interests in bars, Harry also pursued a more traditional education. After graduating from Radnor High School, he obtained a B.A. in International Business and Finance from The American University. Determined to prove his worth, Harry set his sights on the prestigious Wharton School of Business in Philadelphia, where he was accepted.

With his unwavering drive and determination, Harry Hayman has made significant strides in the hospitality industry, and his journey continues to inspire many aspiring entrepreneurs.


As a thriving entrepreneur, Harry Hayman has been invited to be a keynote speaker at a variety of public functions and events, where he shares his wealth of experience and valuable advice with business owners, college students, and members of the Greater Philadelphia Area. Due to his diverse background, Harry is qualified to speak on a range of topics, and he is always looking for opportunities to impart his knowledge to those who can benefit from it.

At each engagement, Harry Hayman delves into what inspires him, covering a variety of themes, including his childhood experiences, professional career, issues that are important to him and his family, and ways in which people can make a positive impact on their surroundings. Attendees of Harry’s speeches can expect to receive insightful information while enjoying a pleasant experience.

Harry Hayman has previously spoken at several higher educational institutions in Philadelphia, including Temple University, Drexel University, and the Community College of Philadelphia. At Drexel and Temple, Harry shared his expertise with those interested in entering the management side of the food industry, speaking at the Food Upcycling Conference and the Food and Beverage Management lecture, respectively. At the Be Professionally Diverse Conference CCP, he highlighted the significance of diversity in the workplace and emphasized the importance of hiring the best candidate.

Other organizations that have invited Harry Hayman to be their keynote speaker at events include the North Broad Street Renaissance Advisory Board and Alex’s Lemonade Stand, of which he is a board member. These speaking engagements have ranged from providing professionals with strategies to advance their business goals to encouraging others to make a difference by engaging in community service and activism.

If you’re interested in having Harry Hayman speak at your public event, don’t hesitate to contact him to discuss his availability.


If you're interested in learning more about Harry Hayman's current endeavors or would like to book him for a speaking engagement in the future, don't hesitate to contact him today.